MicroEJ to Show Its OS for Kinetis MCUs at NXP FTF Tech Forum

MicroEJ OS leverages Kinetis SDK to offer full platform to developers of IoT and wearable devices

AUSTIN, Texas--At NXP FTF Technology Forum in Austin, Texas, MicroEJ® demonstrates its MicroEJ Operating System (OS) for NXP Kinetis low power 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) based on ARM Cortex-M cores. MicroEJ OS provides a full platform based on Kinetis Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables developers of IoT and wearable devices to deliver functionality comparable to mobile devices while benefiting from the optimal cost/low-power performance of Kinetis K Series Cortex-M4-based MCUs.

MicroEJ to Show Its OS for Kinetis MCUs at NXP FTF Tech Forum

MicroEJ OS offers a multi-language programming environment to developers who can use the C language for writing low-level hardware-dependent software and the Java language for high-level hardware-independent software. MicroEJ OS offers a full set of libraries for wired and wireless connectivity, Internet Protocol IP-based networking, security, data storage, graphical user interfaces, and software components management. MicroEJ OS can provide IoT-ready building blocks based on standard protocols such as HTTPS REST, CoAP, MQTT or LWM2M for enabling interoperability with IoT cloud platforms for data streaming and device management. MicroEJ OS offers the capability for extending device functionality in the field and managing software content with more flexibility than over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates as software apps can be dynamically installed and uninstalled on the run. MicroEJ solutions can enable the creation of an ecosystem of app developers through the MicroEJ Application Store where apps can be published by developers and downloaded by devices - like with mobile devices.

"MicroEJ and Kinetis solutions offer the ideal hardware/software combination to developers of connected, interactive, and wearable devices," said Emmanuel Sambuis, NXP Executive Director, MCU & Connectivity Products. "With MicroEJ, the world-largest community of software developers can now benefit from Kinetis MCUs' optimized performance, scalable integration and low-power capabilities to develop better and more secure IoT devices with reduced risks, time and costs."

At NXP FTF Tech Forum, MicroEJ demonstrates MicroEJ OS running on NXP's TWR-K65F180M Kinetis K65 MCU Tower System Module for Kinetis K65 MCU. MicroEJ OS can also supports the full family of Kinetis MCU Series based on ARM Cortex-M0+/M4/M7 MCUs.

About MicroEJ

MicroEJ is an independent software vendor of cost-driven solutions for the smart digital world. With more than $20M of R&D investment, MicroEJ is focused on providing turnkey software products to solve the embedded world's major business challenges and to enable application-driven uses and services in the IoT world commensurate with the cost and resource constraints of that world. MicroEJ helps OEMs create flexible and future-proof smart devices, brings rich user experiences, and enables additional sources of revenue across the whole value chain, from sensor data collection to cloud-based services.

MicroEJ has experienced strong and steady growth in a large variety of industries, including home automation, consumer and wearables, communications, smart energy, smart transportation, healthcare, industrial automation, and smart building.

Java™ is Sun Microsystems' trademark for a technology for developing application software and deploying it in cross-platform, networked environments. When it is used in this document without adding the "™" symbol, it includes implementations of the technology by companies other than Sun. Java™, all Java-based marks and all related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc., in the United States and other Countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this release are the property of their respective owners.
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The Industrial Smart Software Technology (IS2T S.A.) corporation operates under the brand name MicroEJ®.

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Source URL: http://businesswire.com/news/home/20160518006035/en
